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Supply Chain Management

Business Ethics for Partners

AI Energy Public Company Limited (“the Company”) is committed to conducting business sustainably, in line with good corporate governance principles, and with a sense of social and environmental responsibility. The Company places importance on the sustainable development of its supply chain, fairness in trade, and business integrity, including compliance with human rights principles, occupational health and safety, and environmental impact. Therefore, the Company has established business ethics for its partners to serve as standards and guidelines for conducting business with the Company, in accordance with the Company's business ethics principles, with the aim of mutual growth and sustainability.
The business ethics guidelines for partners are divided into 3 aspects:
  1. Business Ethics
  2. The integrity of the business and compliance with various laws and regulations:
    The Company conducts its business with integrity, honesty, transparency, and ethics. It adheres to the laws and regulations set forth by the government diligently and does not demand any unfair advantages from business partners. The Company strictly follows the agreed-upon terms and conditions and ensures fair procurement and contracting processes. It maintains a sense of responsibility to all creditors, including financial institutions.
    The Company conducts its business with responsibility, based on compliance with rules and ethics. It deals fairly with competitors and business partners, does not seek confidential business information through unethical means, and does not engage in any practices that unfairly distort competition. Business decisions are made on fundamental criteria, such as price, product quality, service quality, trustworthiness, and verifiability.
    The Company maintains the confidentiality of its business partners and uses personal information appropriately. It does not disclose or provide the confidential information of business partners and related parties to unrelated third parties, which could cause harm to the business partners. The Company also refrains from using such information for its own benefit unless required by legal obligations.
    The Company conducts business with transparency and supports the private sector's anti-corruption efforts in Thailand. The Company is not involved in any form of corruption, coercion, or extortion, including but not limited to making promises, offering, giving, or receiving money or other incentives from partners, government agencies, or private sector organizations. The Company provides channels for reporting or complaints in case business contact with the Company is not transparent, lacks fairness, or goes against anti-corruption policies. The reporting or complaints should be directed to:
    • Chairman of the Audit Committee
    • AI Energy Public Company Limited
    • 55/2 Moo 8 Sethakit 1 Rd., Khlong Maduea, Krathum Baen, Samut Sakhon, 74110
    • Phone: +(66) 0-34877485-8
    • Fax: +(66) 0-34877491-2
    • E-mail :
    Product Delivery and Quality:
    The Company is committed to providing customer satisfaction by delivering products that meet legal standards or agreed-upon requirements. We deliver products within the agreed-upon timeframes and efficiently meet customer needs. Aftersales service and product lifespan management are also integral to our business operations. We continuously measure customer satisfaction to improve our products and services. Additionally, we engage in responsible advertising and sales promotion, ensuring that we do not mislead or take advantage of customer misunderstandings. The Company undergoes inspections and certifications from various organizations to assure consumers that our products and services are safe, consumer-focused, and environmentally responsible.
    Risk Management:
    The Company closely evaluates risk factors from current economic, social, environmental, and other situations that may impact business operations in the short and long term. We establish risk management guidelines at a level that the Company can accept and consistently monitor risk management practices.
  3. Labor Practices and Human Rights
  4. Respect for Human Rights and Non-discrimination:
    The Company respects fundamental human rights, including human dignity, equality, and fairness, without benefiting or discriminating against employees based on factors such as gender, religion, race, nationality, original ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital status, social status, pregnancy status, or disability. In employment and job performance, the Company emphasizes mutual respect, appropriate behavior, compliance with Company rules, and customary traditions.
    Employee Welfare:
    • The Company does not hire employees under the age of 18 for regular work.
    • It provides pregnant female employees with protection and benefits as required by law.
    • The employment of foreign labor follows legal requirements.
    • The Company does not use forced labor, bonded labor, or engage in any form of human trafficking or violence.
    • It promotes appropriate workplace conditions and ensures employees receive legal protection.
    • A grievance mechanism is established for employees who may be negatively affected by the Company's business operations.
    Fair Treatment of Employees:
    • Compensation and other benefits are fairly determined according to the law under the principle of 'Fair work, Fair Pay.' Employee compensation depends on the nature of the job, knowledge, abilities, and work experience.
    • Employee health and safety are ensured, and knowledge is continuously provided to enhance competence and promote progress. Opportunities are provided for employees to develop their skills in various areas.
    • Unfair termination of employee contracts is avoided, and proper termination procedures are followed in compliance with labor laws.
  5. Safety, Occupational Health, Society, and Environment
  6. The Company is committed to being socially responsible, emphasizing safety, occupational health, and environmental preservation as integral components of its business operations.
    Workplace Safety and Environmental Conditions:
    • The Company ensures the safety of employees and visitors in its premises by providing a safe and health-conscious working environment. It reduces and controls the risks of accidents and health impacts resulting from work.
    • It promotes and supports continuous development and improvement of quality management, safety, occupational health, and environmental systems. This aligns with the Company's operations while meeting legal standards, international standards, and other applicable requirements to build a safety culture and raise employee awareness and involvement.
    • The Company manages risks and prevents losses that may arise from accidents, emergencies, epidemics, work-related injuries, and property damage with robust safety standards and by fostering a safety culture through projects like 'Zero Accident' and safety management programs, caring for the safety of all stakeholders.
    • Appropriate personal protective equipment is provided based on the specific risk associated with each job task. These are adequately maintained, available, and monitored for proper use.
    Environmental and Social Management:
    • The Company acknowledges the importance of assessing, controlling, preventing, and reducing environmental impacts and environmental management systems in various areas of operation. It focuses on managing pollutants at their sources, such as air quality, water quality, waste management, and improving the efficient and sustainable use of resources. Additionally, the Company is dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and moving towards a low-carbon society.
    • The Company places importance on conducting business responsibly toward society, communities, the environment, and all stakeholders. It complies with the relevant laws and regulations related to social responsibility, refrains from actions that harm the environment beyond legal requirements, and actively participates in community development.
    • It fosters awareness among employees to be conscious of and participate in environmental management. It recognizes the importance of assessing, controlling, preventing, and reducing environmental impacts and environmental management systems arising from Company operations.
    • The Company provides channels for stakeholders and related parties to voice their opinions on Company operations and file complaints in cases where they feel they have been treated unfairly by the Company. These channels are specified in the Anti-Corruption Policy.
    The Company hopes that this information is helpful and appreciates the support of all business partners in conducting business ethically and responsibly, complying with the law, and taking social responsibility seriously.
    Upload : 14 November 2023