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Code of Conduct &
Printcibles of Business Ethics

Code of Conduct & Printcibles of Business Ethics

Code of Conduct and Business Ethics

In conducting the Company’s business, in addition to emphasizing the achievement of operational objectives, the Company places great importance on the manner and methods of conducting business that lead to success. This is guided by the principles of ethics, including fairness and integrity, in all transactions and interactions with all stakeholders.
Business ethics are practices that the Company expects all directors, managements, and employees to acknowledge, understand, and adhere to in their roles.

Conflicts of Interest

  1. Avoid engaging in transactions that may result in conflicts of interest with the Company.
  2. Treat such transactions as if they were with external parties. Director, managements, or employees with a vested interest in the transaction should refrain from participating in the approval process.
  3. Do not use opportunities or information obtained as a directors, managements, or employee for personal gain or in business activities that compete with the Company or its related ventures.
  4. Do not use internal information for personal benefit in trading the Company's stocks or provide internal information to others for their benefit in stock trading.

Conflicts of Interest

  1. Avoid engaging in transactions that may result in conflicts of interest with the Company.
  2. Treat such transactions as if they were with external parties. Director, managements, or employees with a vested interest in the transaction should refrain from participating in the approval process.
  3. Do not use opportunities or information obtained as a directors, managements, or employee for personal gain or in business activities that compete with the Company or its related ventures.
  4. Do not use internal information for personal benefit in trading the Company's stocks or provide internal information to others for their benefit in stock trading.

Responsibility to Shareholders

  1. Act fairly, equitably, and impartially toward shareholders to maximize their collective benefit.
  2. Disclose information honestly and promptly to shareholders.
  3. Regularly and comprehensively report the Company's status to safeguard the interests of shareholders.
  4. Provide information to shareholders that is equitable regarding the Company's future trends, based on credible and sufficient information.
  5. Ensure that directors, managements, and employees do not seek personal or related party benefits by disclosing any information about the Company that has not been made public, revealing confidential company information to external parties, or engaging in activities that create conflicts of interest with the Company.

Policy and Practices for Customers

  1. Deliver quality products and services at a fair price and meeting customers' requirements.
  2. Communicate with customers politely, efficiently, and reliably, providing a system and processes for customers to receive their concerns and feedbacks and ensuring prompt responses and service delivery.
  3. Keep customer confidentiality and refrain from using it for personal or unauthorized benefits, either for oneself or others.
  4. Offer efficient and useful guidance on the use of the Company's products and services, maximizing customer benefits.

Policy and Practices for Business Partners

  1. Do not call for or accept any benefits that are not ethical in business dealings with business partners.
  2. Abide by the agreed-upon conditions diligently.
  3. In case any agreed conditions cannot be fulfilled, provide prior notice to collectively consider corrective actions.

Policy and Practices for Competitors

  1. Collaborate in competitive activities within the framework of fair competition regulations.
  2. Do not seek confidential information from business competitors through unethical or inappropriate means.
  3. Do not tarnish the reputation of business competitors through false accusations.
  4. Avoid any form of harassment or unfair actions against business competitors.

Responsibility to Society

  1. Conduct business that is beneficial to the economy and society while prioritizing environmental stewardship.
  2. Care for the Company's operations to prevent pollution and adverse impacts on the environment and society.
  3. Collaborate with all stakeholders in the community to contribute to the creation of a better society.
  4. Share knowledge and income with individuals in the community by providing opportunities to work together with the Company.
Upload : 15 May 2013