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Sustainability Management Policy

Sustainability Management Policy

AI Energy Public Company Limited (“The Company”) has set up a policy to operate its business in accordance with ESG guidelines, namely the environment, Social and Governance in order to create business growth together with sustainable social responsibility. The Company has established guidelines for business operations by taking into account the potential impacts on communities, society, environment and all groups of stakeholders. This includes shareholders, investors, employees, business partners, customers, communities, government agencies, and competitors.
The key attributes of the policy are as follows:
  • Impose the corporate sustainable development strategy covering good governance and corporate risk management;
  • Adhere to merit and transparency in running business as well as compliance with the law, regulations, methods and standards specified by the regulatory agencies and accepted internationally;
  • Uphold and comply with guidelines and procedures specified in the Company’s Code of Conduct as well as related policies, regulations, announcements, and orders including corporate governance policy, risk management policy, accounting and financing policy, notification on shareholder policy, employee policies, environmental and social policy, anti-corruption policy, QSHE, and information system security;
  • Seek guidelines to develop and continuously improve efficiency for all business activities by defining the goal, evaluation methods, monitoring and sustainability assessment of the activity;
  • Encourage and embed culture on safety, environmental protection and social responsibility on continual and consistent basis;
  • Set “Zero Accident” goal at work by developing, improving and upgrading the Company’s safety measures and standard beyond regulatory requirement. Additionally, safety training shall appropriate provided to employees in order to strengthen the occupational health and safety in the workplace;
  • Treat all employees and workers in a fair and equal manner, and appropriate compensation. The employment is prohibited labor aged below 18 years and illegal labor. This principle is also enforced among employees and workers of suppliers and/or stakeholders;
  • Take care and protect safety of employees, workers and the Company’s asset by taking into account the others’ rights and safety, with concern over personal right, confidentiality and information disclosure;
  • Respect right of employees and workers, and treat them with equality and human dignity manner and serve as an ethical and non-discriminating company, based on equality and human rights principles;
  • Respond to customers’ needs and gain their satisfaction in products and services quantity and quality aligned with contractual agreement;
  • Collaborate with public sector, industrial associations, business partners, and other stakeholders in developing and/ or applying sustainability standard and practices generally accepted by industry and/or relevant sectors;
  • Manage the environmental quality according to the legal requirements and specified regulations as well as investing, developing and improving the environment management system, new applicable methodology ensuring higher efficiency of environment quality management and control;
  • Create and seek approaches and methods of reduction of energy, emission, waste (water and air) in order to protect, control and minimize impacts to environment, community and society;
  • Disclose the Sustainability Management Policy to all managements, employees, workers and stakeholders for their acknowledgement and implement the compliance in their business operation and while doing business with the Company;
All management employees and workers of the Company are committed to contributing and executing the Sustainability Management Policy
Upload : 23 December 2022