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Managing Director's Duties

Scope of Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Manage and oversee the day-to-day operations of the Company, including delegating to other managements or individuals for routine Company operations.
  2. Establish and regulate overall operational practices to align with policies set by the Board of Directors and/or Executives Committee, ensuring efficiency and compliance with risk management policies and anti-corruption policies, to ensure the Company operates transparently and in accordance with anti-corruption policies.
  3. Carry out duties as assigned by the Board of Directors and/or Executives Committee.
  4. Authorized to approve purchases, leases, or investments according to the Board’s approved budgeting and planning. Authorized to approve or terminate purchases, hiring, leasing, lease-purchases, disposal of assets, investments, and payments or other expenses necessary for the Company's operations, with the approval mandate determined by the Board of Directors.
  5. Authorized to approve assets purchases or payment and other expenses arising from contractual agreements and/or memorandum of understandings with business partners, with the approval mandate determined by the Board of Directors.
  6. Consider business strategies and funding for the Company and propose them to the Executives Committee and/or the Board of Directors and/or Management Committee in order of importance.
  7. Authorized to hire, appoint, transfer, terminate, set remuneration, grant incentives, increase salaries, and other compensation of all employees of the Company, from managerial positions downwards.
  8. Authorized to approve additional employee benefits in line with economic conditions and the Company status, as specified in the Board’s approved mandate determined by the Board of Directors.
  9. Authorized to open and close various types of deposit accounts with financial institutions for the Company's normal business operations, with the Company's best interests.
  10. To propose the approval for the appointment of consultants in various areas necessary for the Company's operations through the Executives Committee.
  11. Issue orders, regulations, announcements, records, to ensure that business operations are carried out in accordance with the Company's policies and benefits, and to maintain internal discipline.
  12. Propose the management guidelines to the Board of Directors and the Executives Committee for approval.
  13. Summarize the performance of operations for presentation to the Board of Directors and Executives Committee.
  14. Supervise and manage the Company's sales and marketing operations, both domestically and
Furthermore, in carrying out the duties and responsibilities assigned to the Managing Director as mentioned above, the Managing Director shall comply with the provisions and regulations approved by the Board of Directors.
This is not including the authority and/or delegation of authority during the approval of any transactions in which they, the delegated authority holder, or any conflicting party (as defined in the Securities and Exchange Commission's regulations) may have a conflict of interest with the Company. Approval of such transactions must be presented to the Board of Directors and/or the shareholders' meeting (as applicable) for consideration and approval, as stipulated by the Company's bylaws or relevant laws and regulations.
Any actions beyond those mentioned above cannot be undertaken by the Managing Director unless specifically authorized by a meeting of the Board of Directors periodically.
Upload : 14 May 2019