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Charter For Risk Management Commmitee

  1. Establish and review the framework for risk management, the risk management charter, policies, and procedures of the organization, as well as propose guidelines for managing various risks related to the Company's business operations.
  2. Support and develop the organization's risk management and stakeholder management activities to align with the business strategy and objectives up to date.
  3. Supervise, monitor, audit, analyze, and evaluate reports on organizational risk management and provide insights into the risks that may arise from business operations and internal control systems, as well as develop effective risk management systems and mitigation plan that are continuously aligned with the risk management policy and cover all levels of the organization to ensure transparency and compliance with the anti-corruption policy.
  4. Monitor and ensure that risk management activities of each department/section are reviewed in monthly meetings, summarizing, and assessing significant risk findings to report to the managing director for acknowledgment.
  5. Report the results of organizational risk management to the Executives Committee and the Board of Directors quarterly and promptly in case of significant factors or events that may impact the Company and its subsidiaries, for their immediate awareness and consideration.
  6. Take responsibility for any other duties as assigned by the Executives Committee and the Board of Directors.


  1. The Committee must hold meetings at least once per quarter and may convene additional meetings as called for by the Chairman of the Committee.
  2. Meetings of the Committee must have at least half of the total number of Committee members present to constitute a quorum, with the Chairman of the Committee presiding.
  3. The Committee may invite managements and employees to attend meetings for discussions and explanations on relevant matters.
  4. The Secretary of the Committee must attend every meeting.
  5. Resolutions at meetings shall be adopted by a majority of the Committee members present, with each member having one vote. In the event of a tie, the Chairman at the meeting shall cast an additional deciding vote.
  6. In case the Chairman of the Committee is unable to attend a meeting, a deputy, who is a member of the Committee, shall be appointed as the Chairman for that meeting.

Reporting by the Committee

  1. The Committee reports to the Executives Committee and the Board of Directors on the summary of the organization's overall monitoring and operations, as well as that of each department or division, on a quarterly basis. This includes reporting on actions that need to be taken for improvements or corrections to reduce the impact on the Company's business operations or to mitigate risks to an acceptable level. The Committee shall also report any other matters that the Executives Committee and the Board of Directors should be aware of, and this reporting is done quarterly.
  2. These reports shall be submitted to the Company Secretary, summarizing the activities of the Committee related to risk management, for inclusion in the annual report and form 56-1.
Upload : 12 May 2021